setter injection vs constructor injection in Spring

May 7, 2014 00:00 · 213 words · 1 minute read Programming Java Spring

What is setter injection?

In spring you can inject the concrete dependencies with setters.



<bean name="customerRepo" class="com.inadram.repo.hibernateRepositoryImplementation"/>
<bean name="customerService" class="com.inadram.service.CustomerServiceImplementation">
 <property name="customerRepository" ref="customerRepo"/>

Therefore your customer service class can accept customer repository as an injection with setters

customer service

public class CustomerServiceImplementation implements CustomerService {
    private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
    public void setCustomerRepository(CustomerRepository customerRepository) {
        this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
    public List<Customer> findAll() {
        return customerRepository.findAll();


it is easy to adopt legacy code to spring by using setter injection

What is constructor injection

You can injection the dependencies by using the constructor.



<bean name="customerRepo" class="com.inadram.repo.hibernateRepositoryImplementation"/> 
<bean name="customerService" class="com.inadram.service.CustomerServiceImplementation">
	<constructor-arg index="0" ref="customerRepo"/>

index: the constructor parameter index ref: the concrete class name that we wish to inject into customer service

We need to add a constructor to the customer service class to pass the injection into it.

customer service implementation

public class CustomerServiceImplementation implements CustomerService {
    private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
    public CustomerServiceImplementation(CustomerRepository customerRepository) {
        this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
    public List<Customer> findAll() {
        return customerRepository.findAll();


constructor injection force a contract between the classes, therefore consumers have to pass the required dependencies on creation time to allow using the class functionalities.


Feel free to download the full source code of this example from my github.