spring Java AutoWiring

Jun 9, 2014 00:00 · 260 words · 2 minute read Programming Java Spring

You can automatically wiring interfaces with their implementation with java annotation in Spring. This way of auto wiring giving you a better understanding of how beans are wired together.

Wiring beans in configs


public class AppConfig {
    @Bean(name = "customerService")
    public CustomerService getCustomerService() {
        return new CustomerServiceImplementation();
    @Bean(name = "customerRepository")
    public CustomerRepository getCustomerRepository() {
        return new hibernateRepositoryImplementation();

@ComponentScan Add it to top of your configuration file to mark the start point of your app for looking for the beans.


Mark the beans as auto wired. It can be mark by name or by type.

Setup classes to use config

by Adding Autowire annotation on top of the each instance it will map to the bean which define in the config.

Private member

you can set a private member as Autowire.


public class CustomerServiceImplementation implements CustomerService {

    private CustomerRepository customerRepository ;
    public List<Customer> findAll() {
        return customerRepository.findAll();

use setter injection or constructor

Also you can use setter injection or constructor as Autowire

setter injection

public class CustomerServiceImplementation implements CustomerService {
    public void setCustomerRepository(CustomerRepository customerRepository) {
        System.out.println("setter injection");
        this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
    private CustomerRepository customerRepository ;
    public List<Customer> findAll() {
        return customerRepository.findAll();

using it

using it is pretty much similar to past.


public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApplicationContext appContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);

    CustomerService service = appContext.getBean("customerService", CustomerService.class);


load the config and find bean that you wish to using it .


feel free to download the full source code from my github.